Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dumbeldore's Baaack(in a new form) in Book 7

Dan Radcliffe(who plays Harry Potter in the movies) had an interesting conversation with Joanne Kathleen Rowling regarding the late(and great!) Albus Dumbledore, this is what he said in an interview:

"Jo came down to the set at one point and I said'Oh hello, why are you here today?' And she said "Oh, I just needed a break from the book-Dumbledore's been giving me a lot of trouble.' And I said 'But isn't he dead?' And she said 'Well, yeah but it's more complex . . .' I was like, OK I'm not gonna ask anything else!"

Wonder what this means . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GRR! Why is this book taking so long to come out! If it doesn't soon I'm going to blow!!!!