Tuesday, January 2, 2007

New start, new title, and fan fic.

Hi everybody! This is a site for people who like Harry Potter, but it also is for the girls of troop 623, and also the girls of 5th grade at Park Western. But you can check out this site even if you aren't a Park western girl or a girl in troop 623. Harry Potter fans are welcomed.

J.K. Rowling told us the title of her book- here comes the puzzling part- on winter solstice. The title is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I once heard that she was still writing it, on her 726th page, but I don't think so. Perhaps the Dealthy Hallow means that they ( the trio) will go to Godric's Hollow. My theory is they go to Godric's Hollow, and they find a Horcrux. We'll see.

For those of you that have not seen Mugglenet's Fan fiction, please do. Click on author and search for voldemortspatrounous. The stories of his are soooo cool!

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